Thousands and even millions of stone circles are scattered around Waterval Boven, Mpumalang, South Africa and after studying these mysterious stone ruins, I discovered something strange.. Something that does not belong into 'cattle kraals'. Sacred Geometry. All found inside stone circles and still finding more. Underneath another example of stone circle geometry.
As usual, we start with an earial of a stone circle and of course we use the best picture which is captured straight above the stone circle. First I drew a yellow circle to cover the outer wall of this stone circle.

It all starts with an aerial...
After that I noticed that there are two bulges in the outer wall which I could cover with two green circles...

The most important circles are drawn
The next step was to copy and paste circles to see what kind of geometry fits in between them. It seems a blue hexagon fits exactly in between the red and orange circle. This is also the case with the green circle. A hexagon fits exactly in between the green circle and encloses the red circle. Two light blue triangles, or the Star of David, was also added.

Sacred Geometry inside a Stone Circle
After copying some circles, I noticed that the two green circles fits exactly in between the large yellow circle. The same with the orange and red circles. Four red and 5 orange circles fits exactly in between the yellow circle. Coincidence...?

All circles seems to fit in each other...
After placing the green circle in the center of the yellow circle, I noticed that another (purple) hexagram could fit in between the yellow circle which encloses the green circle.

More geomery...
After putting the red circle in the center of the yellow circle, I saw that a 12- fold geometric pattern fits exacly in the yellow circle and encloses the red circle...

12-fold geometry in between the yellow and red circle...
More layers of geometric patterns added...
The image underneath contains all geometric shape en circles...

Geometry and circles added together...
After finishing the previous stept, I was wondering what the result would be if I encloses the stone circle with a white circle.

Back to basic with an extra white circle added...
The white circle one touches one green circle, but what if I add a (purple) square in the white circle...?

Adding a purple square into the big white circle...
Surprisingly enough the result is agian 'Squaring the Stone Circle', the same as I found in other South African stone circles...

What a surprise: Squaring the Circle...
After studying the hidden geometry inside the South African stone circles, I don't think that these mysterious stone circles were build as 'cattle kraal' bij the Koni or other tribes. The peak of the Koni was between 1500 and 1820 and I think that the Koni adopted the remains of the stone circles but did not build them. And if sciences still wants us to believe that the stone circle were build by the Koni, please let them explain to me why the Koni applied sacred geometry in their 'homesteads'? I don't think they did it just for fun because building a stone circle with this kind of geometry is not something you do at a sunday afternoon...
To be continued: