Stone Circle Geometry (1)
by Robert of the family Boerman - 23-02-2015

Thousands and even millions of stone circles are scattered around Waterval Boven, Mpumalang, South Africa and after studying these mysterious stone ruins, I discovered something strange.. Something that does not belong into 'cattle kraals'. Sacred Geometry. All found inside stone circles and still finding more. Underneath another example of stone circle geometry.

As usual I start with a aerial of a stone circle which is taken straight from above and start drawing circles at the stone walls. After that, I copied a green, blue end yellow circle to see if there is some kind of geometric shape what fits between the circles. And they do. An orange triangle fits exactly in between the yellow and green circle and the purple pentagon fits exactly in between the yellow and blue circle

A triangle and pentagon fits exactly in between the small circles...

After this, I copied the white and red circle to see what geometry would fit in between these circles. Unfortunately, no geometric shape fits in between the white and red circle but a pentagram fits exactly in the red circle and enclosed the yellow circle... Coincidence...?

A pentagon fits exactly in between the red and yellow circle

The next step was to copy some yellow circles to see how many would fit in between the red or white circle. Four yellow circles fits exactly in between the big white circle... Another coincidence...?

Four yellow circles fits in the white circle

After this, I deceided to copy some green circle to see how they would fit into the stone circle geometry... It seems that there are eight green circles which fit exactly in the big white circle. Now we see that the white circle make sence...

Eight green circles fit in the white circle

After that, I noticed that a 12-fold geometric shape fits exactly the big white circle and enclosed the small yellow circle in the center...

12-fold geometry added

And underneath the last image with all geometric shapes which were found inside this 'simple' South African stone circle. These mysterious stone circles contains much more than meet the eye. More research will follow asap....

All geometry added...

After studying the hidden geometry inside the South African stone circles, I don't think that these mysterious stone circles were build as 'cattle kraal' bij the Koni or other tribes. The peak of the Koni was between 1500 and 1820 and I think that the Koni adopted the remains of the stone circles but did not build them. And if sciences still wants us to believe that the stone circle were build by the Koni, please let them explain to me why the Koni applied sacred geometry in their 'homesteads'? I don't think they did it just for fun because building a stone circle with this kind of geometry is not something you do at a sunday afternoon...

To be continued: