'Those who sacrifacice liberty for security deserve neither security nor liberty'
Benjamin Franklin

In the name of combating terrorism, millions of people will be fingerprinted and a digitised scan of their faces wil be taken in order to renew their passports. These biometrics wil be stored in a central database.

Say NO to ID cards and the database state!
Do you like to give up your privacy? Do you want your fingerprints on a card and collected in an enormous database? Do you like the idea of identity management? Let's say it straight on! This is what your government is planning to do with all of us!

The identity Cards Bill; Not just a card!
Britain is facing the introduction of the identity cards bill, wich provides the building of a National Identity Register and biometric ID cards. An identity card is no longer a simple card but a tool of an enormous identity management system. The key of this system is the NIR number (NIRN National Identity Register Number) connected to biometric details stored in a database and on a card. The plan is to "consider the practical and legal issues of making wider use of the national insurance number to index citizen records as a transition path towards an identity card". Following a decision to introduce biometrics in passports, visas and residence permits starting in februari 2006, biometrics will become increasingly common in the UK and the European Union. At the centre of the strategy will, they hope, be ID cards and the National Identity Register (NIR). Data sharing depends on the use of unique numbers or identifiers linked to each citizen, so that records do not match even if names do. The proposed NIR would give every citizen a NIR number (NIRN) that could be used to link hundreds of databases together. The UK 'national identity register' is a national database of fingerprints Source Privacy International NO2ID is a campaigning organisation opposed to the government's planned ID card and National Identity Register.

No2ID Statement:

We believe government proposals to create a national identity scheme - that includes an ID card - would fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between citizen and state. We believe that government is the servant of its citizens; citizens should not have to exist by permission of the government. We are opposed to legislation that will require every citizen to report changes of address to government on pain of imprisonment or any other imposed sanction - including recurring and/or persistent fines. We believe that it is our fundamental right to assert who we are, without being checked against an approved list. We believe that there is no case for a central identity database containing everyone's personal information that can be accessed by all branches of government, and that any such database would represent a gross invasion of privacy.

Polls have shown for some time that 3 - 4 million people across the UK strongly oppose the Government's plans to introduce ID cards and a National Identity Register. Were this many of us refuse to cooperate then the scheme would be doomed to failure. Over 10,000 people have pledged to refuse to sign up to the governments ID Scheme and put £10 towards a legal fund to protect those the government might prosecute for refusal to comply. If the Government do manage to force through the ID cards legislation, the pledge will not only demonstrate the level of solidarity amongst opponents of the scheme - it will form the basis of a fighting fund and support network for all those who refuse to comply. All monies pledged will be held in trust for use in defending those individuals who are prosecuted for resisting registration. NO2ID continues to campaign against the introduction of ID cards and the National Identity Register on all fronts, for more information on what you can do NOW, please visit www.no2id.net and to pledge, to resist or refuse www.pledgebank.com.

Latest Parliamentary Briefing Source: Liberty Briefing for the report stage of the identity Cards Bill in the House of Lords, January 06.

Privacy International, ID Cards Home Page
"... an ID card gives the authorities permanent open access to private facts about me – or alternatively put: it is the end of privacy about those facts.”

'In Freedom's Name: The Case against ID cards' By A. C. Grayling

Defy-ID www.defy-id.org.uk is an ad hoc network of groups and individuals who are prepared to actively resist the introduction of Identity Cards and the creation of the National Identity Register.

What data will ID cards store? Source: BBC news

The London School of Economics ID cards report http://is.lse.ac.uk/idcard/identityreport.pdf

Files & Biometric Identifiers on More Than a Billion Passengers to be Computerised and Shared Globally by 2015.

More than 400 million EU Citizens and residents to be fingerprinted. Source www.edri.org

Biometrics at the Frontiers: Assessing the Impact on Society, a report prepared by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre for the European Parliament’s Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), analyses how biometric technologies – including fingerprint, iris and face recognition - will impact the daily lives of Europeans.

Biometric fingerprints in the EU PDF Statement of Prof. Peers Statewatch

Biometrics won't deter passportfraudsters, chief admits. Source: theregister.co.uk

Civil liberties and democracy are under attack as never before and the need for a collective response to counter these threats has never been greater. The defence of civil liberties and democracy also requires that positive demands are placed on the agenda. For example, respect and rights for all people, cultures and their histories, for the presumption of innocence and freedom from surveillance and the freedom to protest and demonstrate. To these ends the European Civil Liberties Network (ECLN) has been established. More; www.ecln.org.

CORPORATE IDENTITY A critical analysis of private companies' engagement with the identity cards scheme. http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/?lid=2298

Campagnes; Links to other sites Dutch Campaigns

No consensus possible on biometric ID card
French NGO coalition press release (in French, 20.06.2005)

French Interior minister public declarations (in French, 20.06.2005)

FDI report on the French biometric ID card debate (in French, 16.06.2005)

English overview of the project and the debate: LSE Report, Chapter 7, France section, pp.66-70

INES: Le consensus n'est pas possible!

Lire l'argumentaire et signer la pétition sur le site de la LDH :

Consulter la liste des premiers signataires sur le site de la LDH :

Approfondir en consultant d'autres documents sur le site d'IRIS :

Hundreds of databases together. The UK 'national identity register' is a national database of fingerprints Source Privacy International NO2ID is a campaigning organisation opposed to the government's planned ID card and National Identity Register.

No2ID Statement:
"... an ID card gives the authorities permanent open access to private facts about me – or alternatively put: it is the end of privacy about those facts.” 'In Freedom's Name: The Case against ID cards' By A. C. Grayling

This research on the internet is done by 'het verzet.nl' Netherlands. (verzet=resistance) to support the NO2ID cards campaign in the UK. We hope that it will stimilate the dutch, french and other campaigns outside the UK as well.